
At the zoo..wrapping Ainsley in Olaf

Taylor took a bunch of Ainsley when I got her hair up into a ponytail

Another zoo pic

Close-up of Miss Squishy

-sigh- I love her

Daddy's girl

Noah in the wagon at the zoo

Nick playing around at Taylor's house after the zoo

Ainsley wrapped in an Indio Didy

The men changing the babies at the zoo lol

I took a picture of a tree!

Joe takes a paci better than AInsley does!

Hanging out in the bumbo chair at the park at the beach

A smile!

Thunder thighs!

The water was so warm, and you have to walk out soo far to get past ankle deep

Splash splash splash

She loved the water

"lets go daddy!"

My FAVE picture!

Too bad I was standing in the wrong light

Joe is such a great daddy

The end finally
love them all!thunder thighs,hehehe.
She is gorgeous!
ahhh looks like fun! *wants to join*
I love them! :)
We have to go baaaack.
She is sooo cute.
What do you think of the pictures like this:
If you want I can show you how to make them all bright!
Can I say how much I want to squish her fat little thighs? They're unreal!
Haha! Great photos! :) I got my wrap in the mail the other day and cannot wait to use it on the new bebe! :)
LLOOOOVVVVEEEE the picture of the daddies changing diapers. TOO CUTE!
And Miss Ainsley looks like she is growing well from mama's milk!!!
Hi! I'm new to blogspot and found you off of another blog I randomly found. Your children are adorable!! Great pictures! Feel free to check out my blog sometime if you want - I'm just getting started, but hopefully there will be more up soon! Have a great day!
so cute
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